Monday, June 30, 2014

Stateside (For Almost Three Months)

They say that your first class stays with you. I spent three months student teaching high school English to sixty-six teenagers from over six countries. It was incredible and I wouldn't trade it for anything. My only regrets are that I didn't travel within Asia and that I struggled with forming good relationships with my older students.

Living and working overseas is incredibly challenging, and I saw this firsthand while living in Chiang Mai for three months. I think that student teaching overseas gave me the skills and confidence to embark on future expeditions, such as full-time teaching in a public school in the states, living on my own, forming professional working relationships with others, potentially moving overseas longer term in the future, and other life adventures.

I have been offered and accepted a position teaching Elementary English as a Second Language with a public school district, and I am excited for this next challenge. I would not be here if it weren't for Chiang Mai.

Thank you, Thailand, my students, my friends, my roommates, my cooperating teachers, and the school staff for everything. I'm so blessed to have known you.

The relationships truly were worth the goodbyes. And the hellos.


"Seek Him. Be Here. Be His."